Frequently Asked Questions
Wichita West High School
School Colors: Maroon & Gold
Mascot: Pioneers
Alma Mater: To you our West High, we owe all our devotion, our pride & our happiness, too.
All the friends we have known and the memories that linger will always remain dear & true
The day soon will come when we’ll make our departure, the skies may not always be blue
Our tasks will be lighter, our futures much brighter, and West High we owe it to you.
Fight Song: Go down the field (court) you Pioneers, roll on to victory
Maroon & gold will always stand for pride & loyalty
So pass the ball on down the field (court), a touchdown’s (basket’s) sure this play
West High will always win the fight, it’s victory sure today.
- How do I add pictures to my profile page? It's a little confusing, but you can do it. You have to follow what seem to be the same steps twice.
- Click by your yearbook picture to Add Pictures. This will walk you through Uploading your pictures. But, that does not place them in the four locations on your profile page.
- Go back to your profile page and select a location, such as MASTER PHOTO, or NOW, or THEN.
- Click to Select a picture, which should show you the pictures you uploaded earlier. Or you can upload more pictures.
- If you don't like that picture, you can delete it, and or adjust it.
- Play around with it. You'll figure it out
- If you contine to have problems, send me a message. I will call you, and talk you through it on the phone
- Who has access to my personal contact information? Only the administrators of the website (mainly Sylvia and Ruby) can see your profile details. This allows us to reach you, and keep your information current. We cannot see your private messages to other classmates. No one can access the website except the registered list of classmates and guests. Admins can receive requests from outsiders to join the website, but will not approve requests we cannot verify.
- Can I copy and save any of the pictures from the website to my own devices? Yes!
- Why is my friend from high school on the Missing Classmates list? The reunion committee is trying to contact every classmate who has not joined the website. The contact information we started this website with is at least 10 years old. We need YOUR help reaching out to Missing Classmates listed on this website. Please contact and encourage them to join the website.
- How can I see the 1971 Trail Yearbook? The yearbook can be viewed online at
- What are the scholarship donations collected on this site going to be used for? The 50th reunion committee decided, with the help of a counselor at West High School, to help students who cannot afford the tuition or materials they need in order to go to a trade school or job apprenticeship. This may include books, special clothes or boots, etc. Thank you for your generosity! We collected $1500!
- What if I want to give a Pioneer Trail memorial or personal brick? You can order a brick for by contacting Brenda Barber, 316-973-3608 at Wichita West High School directly. You can also check the high school website and fill out an order form. Small bricks are $60 and Large bricks are $120.
- How much do the benches along the Pioneer Trail cost? The price would be approximately $1050.00. If needed, the cement slab below the bench is $200. Marcia Ohmie Ashton and Bruce Unruh are donating a bench in remembrance of the Class of 1971, and our classmate who was Marcia's husband, John Ashton. Please check with the high school for details and to place your order.
- When was the 50th Reunion? September 30 - Oct. 2, 2021. Check out pictures from past reunions in our Photo Galleries to the left. If YOU have more pictures from our school days and reunions, please contact me.
- How can I get a 50th Reunion Coaster? Contact Marcia Ohmie.
If you have more questions and/or information, please contact us through this website. Sylvia West Downing